Sunday, May 1, 2011

Softsoap Pink Grapefruit Splash Body Wash

As somebody who likes to try new products, I have discovered that no matter how many products I try, I tend to go back to my favorites.

And so it is with body washes. My favorite Spring and Summer body wash is Softsoap's Pink Grapefruit Splash. My oldest daughter introduced me to it years ago, and though I try others every now and then, and though I use a different one during the winter, I always go back to the Pink Grapefruit Splash Body Wash every Spring.

Word of caution: when you shop for it, don't ask for Softscrub – as I did – it's a completely different product with a completely different purpose.

Softsoap's Pink Grapefruit Splash Body Wash is the most refreshing body wash I've ever tried. And it truly does smell like pink grapefruit. If you're looking for a refreshing body wash, you have got to try Softsoap's Pink Grapefruit Splash Body Wash. (I'm starting to sound like a commercial.)

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