Years and years and years ago my baby sister bought a Bose radio. She went on and on about how it was the BEST radio EVER and that it would last for years. I couldn't afford a Bose radio, so I purchased a cheap, tinny radio that sounded scratchy and irritating.
I then bought another one and another one and another one. All total, I could have purchased the Bose radio with all the money I spent on inferior radios and I would have been happy, because Kathy was right – the Bose sound was and still is superior to every radio I've ever heard. She still has her Bose and it still sounds spectacular. I, on the other hand, listed to what can only be described as noise.
The Bose rates high in nearly every comparison review made. The superb quality of the Bose radio is not even close to any other radio I've listened to. So why don't I have a Bose? Because I STILL can't afford one.
However, with all of the money I hope to make from blogging, I am saving up for one, because some day – one day in the future – before I'm dead – I WILL OWN A BOSE!
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
RAPID WEIGHT LOSS in only 17 DAYS with the 17 Day Diet Plan
I can already hear you saying, a 17 day diet plan
that provides healthy AND rapid weight loss? Are you serious? Yes, I am serious. I have never read or heard more dieting success stories than I have from people who have used Dr. Mike Moreno's 17 Day Diet Plan
. Though nobody would call me fat, I have always had to watch what I eat.
My early life was consumed with what I could and couldn't eat due to food allergies. I could not eat eggs or anything that included eggs, like cakes, ice creams, cookies, etc. I was also allergic to yeast, which ruled out breads. Looking back, I think it's no wonder I never gained any weight.
Still, whether one is skinny or fat, diet is important, and The 17 Day Diet Plan
sounds like something that would work for anybody interested in healthy living.
The problem with diets is that so many people confuse diet with starvation and sacrifice. Yes, not eating anything with eggs or yeast was a sacrifice for me, but it also contributed to my low weight (though I probably appeared to be anorexic to others).
Starvation is NOT, and never has been, the answer. And sacrifice? If sacrifice comes with the promise of good health, it's not really a sacrifice at all, is it?
Now, because I have cancer, I am even more concerned with diet and, because of a bad back, I am equally concerned with exercise that will contribute to my overall health rather than hurt me.
What I heard from the Dr. Phil show today (which discussed The 17 Day Diet Plan
) – and something I had forgotten about – was that the body NEEDS hydration, LOTS of hydration.
Thirst not only indicates that your body needs fluids, but also signals that your body is already dehydrated, so drinking plenty of GOOD fluids (not sodas) will help you distribute nutrients throughout your body and it will help lessen the number of headaches and body aches you might feel. As Dr. Mike Moreno discussed, other medical issues could be related to dehydration as well. So hydration appears to be a huge component in maintaining good health.
Though I probably don't appear to anybody who knows me as needing this product, because I'm not overweight, I will probably get The 17 Day Diet Plan
anyway, because anything that contributes to RAPID weight loss (for me that means getting rid of a flabby stomach) and good health that can be accomplished in only 17 days appeals to me on many levels, especially my sense of urgency.
Like a lot of people, I want results NOW. And even though I'm not overweight, I hate having to hide my massive flabby stomach beneath HUGE tops. I'm looking forward to receiving The 17 Day Diet Plan
. People who use it are excited about their rapid weight loss and claim to feel more energetic after using The 17 Day Diet Plan.
In the meantime, while I'm waiting for my 17 Day Diet Plan
to arrive, I'm going to exercise more (without straining my back), drink lots and lots of water, and eat HEALTHY foods with lots of veggies.
Let's get healthy! (Any of the links will take you to the book.)
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My early life was consumed with what I could and couldn't eat due to food allergies. I could not eat eggs or anything that included eggs, like cakes, ice creams, cookies, etc. I was also allergic to yeast, which ruled out breads. Looking back, I think it's no wonder I never gained any weight.
Still, whether one is skinny or fat, diet is important, and The 17 Day Diet Plan
The problem with diets is that so many people confuse diet with starvation and sacrifice. Yes, not eating anything with eggs or yeast was a sacrifice for me, but it also contributed to my low weight (though I probably appeared to be anorexic to others).
Starvation is NOT, and never has been, the answer. And sacrifice? If sacrifice comes with the promise of good health, it's not really a sacrifice at all, is it?
Now, because I have cancer, I am even more concerned with diet and, because of a bad back, I am equally concerned with exercise that will contribute to my overall health rather than hurt me.
What I heard from the Dr. Phil show today (which discussed The 17 Day Diet Plan
Thirst not only indicates that your body needs fluids, but also signals that your body is already dehydrated, so drinking plenty of GOOD fluids (not sodas) will help you distribute nutrients throughout your body and it will help lessen the number of headaches and body aches you might feel. As Dr. Mike Moreno discussed, other medical issues could be related to dehydration as well. So hydration appears to be a huge component in maintaining good health.
Though I probably don't appear to anybody who knows me as needing this product, because I'm not overweight, I will probably get The 17 Day Diet Plan
Like a lot of people, I want results NOW. And even though I'm not overweight, I hate having to hide my massive flabby stomach beneath HUGE tops. I'm looking forward to receiving The 17 Day Diet Plan
In the meantime, while I'm waiting for my 17 Day Diet Plan
Let's get healthy! (Any of the links will take you to the book.)
If you would like to read more from this author, click any of the following links:
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Boxes, Bins, And Organization -- How Organized are You?
As somebody who has been disorganized her entire life, I have always welcomed help from anybody willing to offer it.
I once met a woman who told me that when she was in a hurry to organize her home, especially when she expected visitors on short notice, she would throw everything into a box, throw the box into a closet, then sort through it later.
A light bulb went off in my head. Boxes cost nothing. I tried her tip and before I knew it, my entire house looked spectacular.
I shoved the box into the closet and forgot about it. It's not that I ignored the "sort through it later" part – I just never found the time to sit still long enough to sift through the contents – until I needed something.
Before I knew it, though, the box was too small to accommodate my stuff. Although it was filled mostly with school papers from my only daughter (at the time) and junk mail I never had time to open (I'll get to it later), the box soon overflowed, and I had to dump the contents into a larger box.
And then I needed a larger box, and then a larger box, and then a larger box... One day, I found the Rolls-Royce of all boxes sitting by the dumpster. I ran outside to grab it. It had recently held a refrigerator and it was pristine! It helped that I was fortunate enough to have a walk-in closet large enough to accommodate it.
Years passed. Knowing how disorganized I had always been, I eventually bought a book to help myself, Organizing from the Inside Out: the Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life
by Julie Morgenstern. But I lost it in the clutter.
Today, having an organized home is still something that requires a lot of effort. As I have moved again and again and again, dragging my boxes with me, I have assured myself that the first time I became bored, I would sort through all of them. I haven't been bored since I was 19 and I'm now nearing 60.
I was actually organizing quite well until a year and a half ago. All of my boxes and bins were neatly placed in various closets throughout my house. Then my youngest daughter, her husband, and their two children moved in with me. They cleared everything from all of the closets and threw all of the boxes, bins, and other miscellaneous items into my bedroom.
One day, as I sat under the mountain of stuff that cluttered my room, I decided to take a stand! I grabbed some trash bags, filled three of them, went to the store, bought bins, and decorative boxes, placed them on shelves in my bedroom, and became organized.
Somewhat. I still have a problem with paperwork. I HATE sorting through it. Those pieces of mail that tug at my heart begging for attention sit in boxes and drawers all over my room, my pantry (in a bin), and the garage. How can I NOT give to the American Lung Association (I have asthma), or the American Cancer Society (I have cancer), or the Disabled American Veterans (my son is a Marine), or SmileTrain (everybody notices faces), or any of the thousands of organizations who need money?
My desire to help every single organization in the world and my inability to accept the fact that I can't help every single organization in the world are preventing me from organizing my home. I really just need to admit to myself that I can't help everybody. I need to discipline myself to help those I can and throw away the rest.
One of these days I will set aside time to go through my bins that hold little scribblings handed to me decades ago by my children, "Here, Mommy, this is for you," because I forgot to write the names on the scribbles, and I don't know whose scribbles they are. In the meantime, I will continue to use decorative boxes, bins, and plastic drawers to hold my items.
You can find me in the container department at Walmart, KMart, or Target, or online at The Container Store.
Photo is borrowed from The Container Store.
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I once met a woman who told me that when she was in a hurry to organize her home, especially when she expected visitors on short notice, she would throw everything into a box, throw the box into a closet, then sort through it later.
A light bulb went off in my head. Boxes cost nothing. I tried her tip and before I knew it, my entire house looked spectacular.
I shoved the box into the closet and forgot about it. It's not that I ignored the "sort through it later" part – I just never found the time to sit still long enough to sift through the contents – until I needed something.
Before I knew it, though, the box was too small to accommodate my stuff. Although it was filled mostly with school papers from my only daughter (at the time) and junk mail I never had time to open (I'll get to it later), the box soon overflowed, and I had to dump the contents into a larger box.
And then I needed a larger box, and then a larger box, and then a larger box... One day, I found the Rolls-Royce of all boxes sitting by the dumpster. I ran outside to grab it. It had recently held a refrigerator and it was pristine! It helped that I was fortunate enough to have a walk-in closet large enough to accommodate it.
Years passed. Knowing how disorganized I had always been, I eventually bought a book to help myself, Organizing from the Inside Out: the Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life
Today, having an organized home is still something that requires a lot of effort. As I have moved again and again and again, dragging my boxes with me, I have assured myself that the first time I became bored, I would sort through all of them. I haven't been bored since I was 19 and I'm now nearing 60.
I was actually organizing quite well until a year and a half ago. All of my boxes and bins were neatly placed in various closets throughout my house. Then my youngest daughter, her husband, and their two children moved in with me. They cleared everything from all of the closets and threw all of the boxes, bins, and other miscellaneous items into my bedroom.
One day, as I sat under the mountain of stuff that cluttered my room, I decided to take a stand! I grabbed some trash bags, filled three of them, went to the store, bought bins, and decorative boxes, placed them on shelves in my bedroom, and became organized.
Somewhat. I still have a problem with paperwork. I HATE sorting through it. Those pieces of mail that tug at my heart begging for attention sit in boxes and drawers all over my room, my pantry (in a bin), and the garage. How can I NOT give to the American Lung Association (I have asthma), or the American Cancer Society (I have cancer), or the Disabled American Veterans (my son is a Marine), or SmileTrain (everybody notices faces), or any of the thousands of organizations who need money?
My desire to help every single organization in the world and my inability to accept the fact that I can't help every single organization in the world are preventing me from organizing my home. I really just need to admit to myself that I can't help everybody. I need to discipline myself to help those I can and throw away the rest.
One of these days I will set aside time to go through my bins that hold little scribblings handed to me decades ago by my children, "Here, Mommy, this is for you," because I forgot to write the names on the scribbles, and I don't know whose scribbles they are. In the meantime, I will continue to use decorative boxes, bins, and plastic drawers to hold my items.
You can find me in the container department at Walmart, KMart, or Target, or online at The Container Store.
Photo is borrowed from The Container Store.
If you would like to read more from this author, click any of the following links:
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Inexpensive Phone Service – High Quality Performance – the magicJack
I was leery of my magicJack when I first received it. This tiny little device didn't look like it would really work, and I was afraid to use it in case I broke it, but it has proven to be invaluable.
What other phone service costs less than $2.00 a month? A year ago this month, I purchased a magicJack and was so happy with the performance of my purchase I wrote an article entitled, 13 Reasons Why You'll Want to Buy A magicJack. I invite you to click the link to read it.
In the article I list the pros and cons of owning a magicJack. The pros far outweigh the cons. If you want to learn more about the benefits of having a magicJack, click 13 Reasons Why You'll Want to Buy A magicJack.
Keep your cell phone as a backup in case your Internet service goes out, like mine ALWAYS does!
If you would like to read more from this author, click any of the following links:
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What other phone service costs less than $2.00 a month? A year ago this month, I purchased a magicJack and was so happy with the performance of my purchase I wrote an article entitled, 13 Reasons Why You'll Want to Buy A magicJack. I invite you to click the link to read it.
In the article I list the pros and cons of owning a magicJack. The pros far outweigh the cons. If you want to learn more about the benefits of having a magicJack, click 13 Reasons Why You'll Want to Buy A magicJack.
Keep your cell phone as a backup in case your Internet service goes out, like mine ALWAYS does!
If you would like to read more from this author, click any of the following links:
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
MacBook Pro User Says iWant iPad
I have been a Mac lover ever since I worked on a 40 MB hard drive back in the early 90s. I now own a MacBook Pro and I love it.
HOWEVER (always a however), when I am home working on my MacBook Pro and my Internet goes out (which happens CONSTANTLY), I am left without the ability to connect to the Internet.
As my potential income will undoubtedly some day come from writing and posting articles and blogs online, having no Internet means having no connection.
And without an Internet connection this blogger feels STRESSED, because I CANNOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET (are you LISTENING, Comcast!) - I really do love my MacBook Pro...but I have been salivating over the thought of getting SOMETHING that would connect me to the Internet – something that's just a tiny bit bigger than my iPhone when my Internet is not working properly.
...And then, what to my wondering eyes does appear but a miniature pad with 3G and gear! Apps for EVERYTHING I need, crystal clear images, 3G ability to connect anywhere my phone connects – everything I need to run a successful writing business.
I've even wondered if Apple would GIVE me an iPad if I promised to paint one on my car and drive across the country advertising the product. Really, though, does iPad need any more advertising than it already has? Probably not.
With an iPad I can work everywhere my iPhone works. And my iPhone works everywhere I've ever been. I won't have to worry about losing the Internet. I'll be able to hold my iPad in my hand and carry it with me wherever I go.
So – bottom line – I must save up for an iPad – with wifi – and with 3G. After all, it will pay for itself within the year after I get rid of the Internet company that REPEATEDLY has been failing me since October of 2007!
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HOWEVER (always a however), when I am home working on my MacBook Pro and my Internet goes out (which happens CONSTANTLY), I am left without the ability to connect to the Internet.
As my potential income will undoubtedly some day come from writing and posting articles and blogs online, having no Internet means having no connection.
And without an Internet connection this blogger feels STRESSED, because I CANNOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET (are you LISTENING, Comcast!) - I really do love my MacBook Pro...but I have been salivating over the thought of getting SOMETHING that would connect me to the Internet – something that's just a tiny bit bigger than my iPhone when my Internet is not working properly.
...And then, what to my wondering eyes does appear but a miniature pad with 3G and gear! Apps for EVERYTHING I need, crystal clear images, 3G ability to connect anywhere my phone connects – everything I need to run a successful writing business.
I've even wondered if Apple would GIVE me an iPad if I promised to paint one on my car and drive across the country advertising the product. Really, though, does iPad need any more advertising than it already has? Probably not.
With an iPad I can work everywhere my iPhone works. And my iPhone works everywhere I've ever been. I won't have to worry about losing the Internet. I'll be able to hold my iPad in my hand and carry it with me wherever I go.
So – bottom line – I must save up for an iPad – with wifi – and with 3G. After all, it will pay for itself within the year after I get rid of the Internet company that REPEATEDLY has been failing me since October of 2007!
Want to read more from this author? Check out the blogs and articles below:
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Monday, January 10, 2011
Grill Mates Montreal Chicken & Sweet Baby Ray's
Cooking is not one of my talents. Just ask any of my kids and grand kids.
One time I was making macaroni and cheese, which, as everybody knows, is a complicated process. As usually happens, I got distracted (sadly, a common occurrence), so when the time came to add the cheese to the macaroni, I did. You thought I was going to say I forgot the cheese, didn't you?
You would be wrong, because what I forgot to do was drain the water BEFORE I added the cheese. As you might expect, most of the cheese drained away with the water.
Everybody ate the slightly cheese-flavored macaroni and I thought I got away with my blunder until my granddaughter, Taylor, who was nine at the time, asked, "Grandma, the next time you make macaroni and cheese, would you mind adding some cheese to it?"
Another time, when I followed the recipe for making pizza, I tried to stretch the crust to reach the end of the pan, but I couldn't make the crust thin enough without creating lots of holes.
My pseudo pizza looked more like a lumpy cloud than it did a pizza. The kids were afraid to eat it. You would not believe how just the sight of an ugly pizza turns kids' stomachs into spasms of revulsion.
Apparently my cuisine skills are adversely affected by cheese.
Despite my lack of food skills, one dish I CAN make is chicken. I always have Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce available, but you can't eat BBQ sauce all the time, can you? I could really, but I love variety too.
Luckily either my son-in-law or my daughter-in-law (I can't remember which – they both have the spice) made chicken with Grill Mates Montreal Chicken. I fell in love after just one bite and decided to give it a try.
One word – YUM! I really can't say enough about this spice. If you want to add FLAVOR to your chicken, you have got to try Grill Mates Montreal Chicken. The only time I'm not eating chicken with this spice on it is when I'm eating chicken with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, which is, as everybody knows, one of the BEST barbecue sauces around!
Trust me, chicken with Grill Mates Montreal Chicken is worth trying. And if you haven't tried Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce, you're missing something sweet!
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hey! BEATLES Fans! BEST Beatles Radio Station Ever!
I LOVE listening to music. It inspires me, motivates me, and relaxes me. But of all the music I love listening to, the music I most enjoy hearing is The Beatles
Every town I have visited over the years and every place I've ever lived, finds me on Sunday mornings scanning radio stations to find Beatles
Over the years and all across the country, I've heard lots of radio personalities play Beatles music. While I enjoy listening to the Beatles no matter where I hear them, nowhere have I found a better place to listen to my favorite Beatles songs or learn fascinating details about the Beatles – information I never heard anywhere else before – than the Magical Mystery Tour, hosted by James D. Jones.
When I first heard "Beatle James," I was living in Bourbonnais, Illinois, not far from where his Beatles Magical Mystery show aired. I was a faithful fan, tuning into his Beatles show every Sunday morning, whether I was at home or traveling.
Everything was fine until I got out of range, so imagine my disappointment when I moved away from Bourbonnais and discovered I was too far away to listen to my favorite Beatles guide or to listen to the Beatles.
Yes, I know – I have CDs and the memory of actually seeing them in person (read about that Beatles experience HERE), but listening to the Beatles somehow soothes and inspires me. So, when I couldn't find The Beatles on the radio, I pulled out my Beatles CDs.
But then, through the miraculous connections made through the Internet, I found James Jones and his Beatles Magical Mystery Tour online! Click HERE for the link. Just select the Kat 105.5 station and LISTEN every Sunday morning from 9am-11am Central (10am-12pm Eastern).
If you are a true Beatles fan, you'll genuinely appreciate the link. James is a friend of George Harrison's sister, Louise, and has had her on his program. He offers Beatles information you can find nowhere else.
Remember, tune into "Everybody's Favorite Tour Guide," James Jones as he takes you on the Magical Mystery Tour through the Beatles Years and Beyond every Sunday morning. You'll love listening to the Beatles on the James Jones Magical Mystery Tour, and you'll thank me for introducing you to the magic!
UPDATE JULY 12, 2013:
NOW ONLINE @ The Beatle Years and Beyond New post located in the post, The Beatles and The Magical Mystery Tour.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ugg Me
I'm not asking for much, just an UGG boot. Ever since 1999, my right foot has been swollen. I need shoes and boots that "give" enough so my swollen foot won't feel as if it is in a vice grip.
When the UGG boot came out, I fell in love with it. It's CROCHETED!
HOWEVER, as is usually the case with me, I cannot find it in my size – I wear a 4 and a half.
What? Buy the UGG boot in a child's size, you say? Yes, of course. Silly me. I hadn't thought of that.
But really, I did. And guess what – everything I found that I liked was SOLD OUT.
I'm not asking for much. Just a crocheted boot that looks warm and comfy. My daughter has a pair, my daughter-in-law has a pair. I WANT A PAIR!
Hmm...the boots are crocheted...I crochet...I wonder...
If I can figure out how to make my own pair (I actually saw a boot pattern in a Hobby Lobby once, I think – or did I dream that? Anyway, maybe by next year I'll have my own crocheted boots. Oh, who am I kidding? Uggs will probably always be only an unfulfilled desire of mine.
My daughter-in-law did TRY to get me a similar pair. You can read about how that turned out HERE. In the meantime, I'm going to look online for my UGG.
And if you have an extra pair of size 4 and a half (I'll even take a 5 – oh, and I take a 3 in children), let me know, OK?
When the UGG boot came out, I fell in love with it. It's CROCHETED!
HOWEVER, as is usually the case with me, I cannot find it in my size – I wear a 4 and a half.
What? Buy the UGG boot in a child's size, you say? Yes, of course. Silly me. I hadn't thought of that.
But really, I did. And guess what – everything I found that I liked was SOLD OUT.
I'm not asking for much. Just a crocheted boot that looks warm and comfy. My daughter has a pair, my daughter-in-law has a pair. I WANT A PAIR!
Hmm...the boots are crocheted...I crochet...I wonder...
If I can figure out how to make my own pair (I actually saw a boot pattern in a Hobby Lobby once, I think – or did I dream that? Anyway, maybe by next year I'll have my own crocheted boots. Oh, who am I kidding? Uggs will probably always be only an unfulfilled desire of mine.
My daughter-in-law did TRY to get me a similar pair. You can read about how that turned out HERE. In the meantime, I'm going to look online for my UGG.
And if you have an extra pair of size 4 and a half (I'll even take a 5 – oh, and I take a 3 in children), let me know, OK?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Why I Love My iPhone
For starters I don't LOVE my iPhone. I almost love my iPhone. It's old and it's giving me problems, because it's OLD. What I need is the new iPhone 4.
But this phone, the one that has served me well for so many years, has so many features, I can't believe that so much can go into a tiny phone. I grew up during a time when people had wall phones.
WALL PHONES. Do you even know what wall phones are? They are phones affixed to the wall with cords. The cords on our phones allowed us to walk a distance of about only 4 feet from the wall (though my sisters and I stretched it so it would go into our bedroom to get some privacy).
If anybody had told me that I could play Sudoku ON MY PHONE, write notes ON MY PHONE, listen to music ON MY PHONE, take photos with the camera ON..., well, you get the picture (pun intended), I wouldn't have believed them.
I can find out the weather in San Diego, Chicago, New York, anywhere, so I use it, because it helps with travel. I can download applications for myself and for my grandkids, I can watch YouTube, set my alarm, check out local maps, use my phone as a GPS, surf the web, read and respond to email ON MY PHONE.
So do I sound greedy for wanting the new iPhone 4? Of course not, but I do want a new iPhone 4! (Oh, and so many other things!)
But this phone, the one that has served me well for so many years, has so many features, I can't believe that so much can go into a tiny phone. I grew up during a time when people had wall phones.
WALL PHONES. Do you even know what wall phones are? They are phones affixed to the wall with cords. The cords on our phones allowed us to walk a distance of about only 4 feet from the wall (though my sisters and I stretched it so it would go into our bedroom to get some privacy).
If anybody had told me that I could play Sudoku ON MY PHONE, write notes ON MY PHONE, listen to music ON MY PHONE, take photos with the camera ON..., well, you get the picture (pun intended), I wouldn't have believed them.
I can find out the weather in San Diego, Chicago, New York, anywhere, so I use it, because it helps with travel. I can download applications for myself and for my grandkids, I can watch YouTube, set my alarm, check out local maps, use my phone as a GPS, surf the web, read and respond to email ON MY PHONE.
So do I sound greedy for wanting the new iPhone 4? Of course not, but I do want a new iPhone 4! (Oh, and so many other things!)
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